Eurocontrol comprehensive report 05-08-2020

Nous vous recommandons de consulter les informations publiées par Eurocontrol:

#COVID19 – our latest comprehensive report sees business aviation recovering faster than other segments and now only 9% below 2019 levels, making a total of 14% of all flights on 27 Jul

15,662 flights on Tuesday 4 August, (+12% with +1,710 flights compared to Tuesday 21 July).
This is 46% of 2019 traffic levels.
Based on a 7-day moving average, the decrease is 54% compared to 2019. There was a significant step change on 1st July for many airlines. During the second half of July, we observed slower growth than during the first half.
The first days of August saw solid numbers with peak day on 3 August (16,877 flights), which might be another (smaller) step change, and traffic is beginning to approach 50% of 2019 traffic (1 August was 49.3%).
LCCs made an attempt to kick-start the Network.
We are seeing some volatility in growth rates from one week to another perhaps as a result of the fluctuating situation with regards to restrictions.

Comprehensive air traffic assessment 05-08-2020

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