Étiquette : QF

QF: résultats sur 12 mois

QF: résultats sur 12 mois

[…]un premier semestre solide avec un bénéfice avant impôt de 771 millions de dollars puis une baisse de 4 milliards de dollars au second semestre en raison de la crise du Covid-19…

QF: modest profit for financial 2020

QF: modest profit for financial 2020

Despite what the carrier branded as the “most challenging period in its long history,” Australian flag-carrier Qantas has reported an underlying profit of AUS$124 million (£68 million) for the year to June 30th.


From April to end of June, group revenue fell 82 per cent while cash costs were reduced by 75 per cent, helping to limit the drop in underlying profit before tax in the second half of the year to AUS$1.2 billion.

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.