Le McKinsey Global Institute a publié un rapport « The future of work after COVID-19 » dont l’objet est évaluer l’impact durable de la pandémie sur la demande de main-d’œuvre, la composition des professions et les compétences de la main-d’œuvre requises en Chine, France, Allemagne, Inde, Japon, Espagne, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis (soit 50% de de la population mondiale et 62% du PIB mondial).
Concernant Amadeus, on notera surtout ceci:
Remote work may also put a dent in business travel as its extensive use of videoconferencing during the pandemic has ushered in a new acceptance of virtual meetings and other aspects of work.
While leisure travel and tourism are likely to rebound after the crisis, McKinsey’s travel practice estimates that about 20 percent of business travel, the most lucrative segment for airlines, may not return. This would have significant knock-on effects on employment in commercial aerospace, airports, hospitality, and food service.